Needed Materials to be Considered for a Meeting & Monthly Support
Below you will find the materials needed in order to submit a request for a meeting and to be considered for regular monthly support by the Calvary Baptist Church of Waterloo, Iowa.
Click on the links below to download the documents.
Click on the links below to download the documents.

Prospective Missionary Letter |

Articles of Constitution Pertaining to a Perspective Missionary |

Missionary Agreement |
Thank you again for your desire to be used of God in the area of Home or Foreign Missions. We believe in doing everything that we possibly can to impact this world for Christ and are excited about partnering together with you to reach more souls for Him. Please take the time to send us an email letting us know that you've downloaded the necessary materials and are interested in presenting your ministry to our church. We look forward to visiting more in the future about what great things God has in store for your future ministry!